Hassan Ahmed Amra
National Research Center
• President of Mycotoxicological risks in Mediterranean countries: economic impact, prevention, management and control October 25-27, 2010 Cairo, Egypt with MycoRed. • Participated as Principal Investigator in some projects supplied by N R C., Egypt , FAO/IAEA., Academic of Finland and (AFLARED ) , STDF – IRD Joint Innovation Projects Fund - Egyptian-French Joint Research Grant. • Participated in published 90 papers in Determination, Detoxification, Reduction of and / or privation of different mycotoxins in by using certain chemical treatments, physical and biocontrol. • Participated in some research projects in mycotoxins and food contaminants supplied by National Research Center, Egypt, COST Action 835, (NARP) US AID and MycoRed project (FP7) supplied by EU. • Participated as supervisor in 12 Master and 8 Ph.D. theses in mycotoxins field form 1988 till now. • Training and cooperation with School of Medicine, Univ. of Hawaii. (August, 1988-February, 1989). Two monthes visited in Center for Molecular Biology, Karlsruhe, Germany under cooperation agreement between DFG-ASRT. • Participated in some courses teach in mycotoxins and Food contaminants. • Experience in the analysis of mycotoxins by different methods.
Research Interest
His research interest include Mycotoxins and Food Contaminants. Also participated in Determination, Detoxification, Reduction of and / or privation of different mycotoxins in by using certain chemical treatments, physical and biocontrol.