A. Wallace Hayes
Adjunct Professor
Michigan State University
Dr. A. Wallace Hayes received his AB from Emory University and his MS and PhD from Auburn University. He is currently a Visiting Scientist at Harvard School of Public Health. Prior to his work at Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Hayes was a Corporate Vice President for the Gillette Company (1993–2002), a Professor at the Wake Forrest University School of Medicine (1993), Vice President for RJR Nabisco (1987–1992), the Director of Toxicology at Rohm Haas (1982–1987), and a Professor at the University of Mississippi Medical School (1975–1982). Dr. Hayes has participated in several societies including serving as President of the American College of Toxicology (2007–2008); a Council member for the American College of Toxicology (2003–2006); a Council member for the Society of Toxicology (1982–1984); President of the Toxicology Education Foundation (2001–2004); and President of the Academy of Toxicology Sciences (2003). He also is a member of ASPET and the American Chemical Society. Dr. Hayes was an NSF predoctoral fellow at Auburn University, a NIH postdoctoral fellow at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, a NIH Research Development Award, and a NATO Senior Scientist at the Central Veterinary Laboratory, Weybridge, England. Dr. Hayes was the 2006 recipient of the Society of Toxicology Merit Award. Dr. Hayes currently is the Secretary-General of IUTOX. Dr. Hayes has served on committees and expert panels for the National Academy of Sciences, the National Institutions of Health, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Defence as well as on several international expert panels.
Research Interest
His interest include Toxilogy, Mycotoxins. He had management responsibility for the safety evaluation and regulatory compliance of a variety of consumer products, plant safety, environmental stewardship, and quality control. While at Gillette, Dr. Hayes was responsible for managing regulatory and toxicology issues worldwide.